Going through a separation and divorce can be difficult. Issues such as child custody, child support, equitable distribution, alimony and domestic violence may be issues you find yourself having to navigate, and they can be confusing and sometimes frustrating. For those reasons, it is important to hire an attorney who understands and has experience in dealing with those issues. Gay & McNally has assisted its clients with those issues for decades, and focuses on providing passionate and responsive representation to our clients in a cost-effective manner.
Gay & McNally’s real estate practice consists of primarily residential purchases and loans. The closing attorney you choose to ensure these transactions go smoothly is important, and Gay & McNally has the experience to make that happen. Whether you need a simple deed prepared and recorded, you’re a first time home buyer or you’re refinancing your mortgage, Gay & McNally can assist with your real estate needs.
Hiring an attorney with courtroom experience is crucial. Gay & McNally has been trying cases in Wake, Johnston, Nash, Franklin and Wilson counties for decades and has the experience necessary to navigate most any legal issue. Whether you’re considering filing a lawsuit of your own or if you’re having to defend yourself, Gay & McNally has experience both prosecuting and defending a wide array of cases, such as breach of contract, fraud, alienation of affections and more.
Having a plan in place and executed can assist your loved ones to ensure that your wishes are carried out after you’re gone. A will is a document that reduces that plan to writing, such that your possessions are left to your specified beneficiaries. In addition to a will, living wills, healthcare and durable powers of attorney can also assist you and your loved ones in addressing various issues related to your wishes. If you need assistance with the preparation of these estate documents or probate proceedings, contact Gay & McNally to schedule an appointment.
When facing traffic violations, having proper legal counsel can help protect your legal rights. Gay & McNally will examine your case to determine your best defense. By representing you in court, our firm will fight to achieve the best possible outcome for your case. This may result in asking the judge to reduce your fine, avoid additional punishment, prevent points being added against your license or even dismiss your violation altogether.
If you need legal service, please contact our office today to setup a consultation. Servicios legales en español.
(919) 269-2234
500 N Arendell Avenue,
Zebulon, NC 27597
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